The chapters / essays cover everything from mobile design and content with an emphasis on the persuasive power of the mobile technologies. Looks like a good read.
The problem of browsers rendering HTML and CSS differently was highlighted when I tried my project in IE. What was a perfect lay out in Firefox was a complete mess in IE even though it had validated. It made me realise what a nightmare it must be for developers to write code that validates and works across the various browsers. There are plenty sites that provide guides for CSS “hacks” I will have to try and look at how to fix things up when the semester finishes.
The issues of proprietary technology, open source standards and compliance have been highlighted over the past few days. My projected contains video and I have chosen to use QuickTime as the technology to deliver this.
I thought I had everything under control I had gone to the QuickTime site and found the code for embedding a QuickTime player in an HTML page. I tested the code and all seemed fine, however when I incorporated the code into the project I found it would not validate. It took quit a bit of tweaking to get the code working and validating.
Further reading revealed that embedding multimedia in XHTML pages is fraught with problems as a result of browser incompatibility, luckily we only have to get it working in Firefox.
Tim’s warning in this weeks lecture against using “black hat” methods to improve your Google ranking where illustrated this week with the “Found Agency” being penalised by Google for its alleged use of such methods. Google’s action saw the companies ranking drop from top of the listings to Fifty Second according to the Australian. Full Article.
As for my project, because I am running behind on it . I have decided I am going to create a number of test pages to test the code I m using and only when I have it working apply it to the project. Hopefully that way I will only be using code I know works to the final project. I would be interested to hear how other people are approaching the build.
An interesting article on web technologies I'v stumbled across in my readings this week. “HTML5. XHTML2, and The future of the Web” is as exactly as the title suggests a look HTML5 and XHTML2 and the pros and cons of each technology and what they will mean to the development of the Web.
The solution I came up with was to divide the project into modules that can be completed in three stages. This way I can complete as many stages as I can in the time available and not be left with a half completed project if I run out of time.
Last week I mentioned some online tutorials for PHP beginners KillerPHP, I had a chance to go through the tutorials this weekend, I found them to be very helpful. As well introducing the basics of PHP they cover a couple of programs that allow you test PHP and MySQL scripts on your computer without having to upload them to the server. They are XAMPP and WAMP , take a look and decide which one would best suite you.
One question I had about CSS is there any way of including Fonts in a Style sheet on a HTML page that the user does not have on their computer?
By coincidence I stumbled on a post on the WSG mailing list on this very topic. In can be achieved with the use of sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Relpacement). It works using a “combination of javascript, CSS and Flash. A great starting point is an article by Mike Davison, which gives a comprehensive guide to sIFR. Below is his summary of how it works:
How it Works
“sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text rendered in your typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users have that font installed on their systems. It accomplishes this by using a combination of javascript, CSS, and Flash. Here is the entire process:
This all happens in a split-second, so all of the checking, replacing, and scaling is not visible to the user. It is not uncommon to notice a very short delay as the Flash loads, but to the user, none of the internals of this process are exposed.”
Has anyone else used sIFR or come across it before?
References: Davidson Mike , April 27, 2005, “sIFR: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses.” Mike Industries 30 March 2007,
<div id="container">
<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
width="352" height="280" codebase="">
<param name="qtsrc" value="rtsp://" />
<param name="autoplay" value="true" />
<param name="controller" value="true" />
<embed src=""
This week's lecture on server side technologies and PHP / MySQL was new territory for me, but thanks to Tim’s informative introduction, I m not feeling as overawed as I was expecting.
I’m not sure what I find more impressive; how the web functions around interconnected networks or the fact that it does run so well using these technologies. As Brian Marshall says while explaining the role of DNS in the system “This is one of the most amazing parts of the DNS system -- it is completely distributed throughout the world on millions of machines administered by millions of people, yet it behaves like a single, integrated database!” (Marshall,para.21)