Sunday, April 22, 2007

Future of the Web and DMT Frustration

An interesting article on web technologies I'v stumbled across in my readings this week. “HTML5. XHTML2, and The future of the Web” is as exactly as the title suggests a look HTML5 and XHTML2 and the pros and cons of each technology and what they will mean to the development of the Web.

A busy week at work has meant not but much time spent on my DMT project. Very frustrating especially as the Macro Micro report felt like it was the starting point for the hands on work. Completing the report gave me a much clearer idea of what I needed to learn. Also it made me realise how I have no idea how long the project will take me, as I have never attempted anything like this before.

The solution I came up with was to divide the project into modules that can be completed in three stages. This way I can complete as many stages as I can in the time available and not be left with a half completed project if I run out of time.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Last week I mentioned some online tutorials for PHP beginners KillerPHP, I had a chance to go through the tutorials this weekend, I found them to be very helpful. As well introducing the basics of PHP they cover a couple of programs that allow you test PHP and MySQL scripts on your computer without having to upload them to the server. They are XAMPP and WAMP , take a look and decide which one would best suite you.